EMDR Intensives in Pasadena and Online Across California

Faster healing for lasting change.

Woman smiling at her phone during an EMDR Intensive session in Pasadena, California.
Abstract shape.

Does life feel out of control?


You’ve been through a lot, and now everything feels off balance. Stress is overwhelming, and finding real rest seems impossible. Your emotions are all over the place, and it's exhausting to carry the weight of painful memories alone. You don’t feel like yourself anymore, and your confidence is shaken.

As a person of color, these challenges can feel even heavier, with systemic racism and cultural pressures adding extra layers of stress. It’s tough to find peace and hope when everything feels so overwhelming.

Illustrated leaf icon.

I see what you’re dealing with.

You’re exhausted from carrying the weight of it all—stress, anxiety, past hurts. You’re craving a break, a chance to reconnect with who you truly are and to finally feel at peace. An EMDR Intensive can help you get there.

Delicate dried flowers on a light background, symbolizing healing and transformation in therapy.
Illustrated rectangle shape.

What is an EMDR Intensive?


An EMDR Intensive is a focused and concentrated form of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy — basically, a powerful way to fast-track your healing.

Instead of having therapy sessions spread out over weeks or months, we condense the work into a shorter period, like a few days or a week. This focused approach gives you more time to dive deep into your challenges, helping you make significant progress quickly.

Whether you're dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, or other emotional struggles, an EMDR Intensive is designed to help you achieve rapid, lasting change.

Woman enjoying a reflective moment in the park during an EMDR session in Pasadena.

So… how does it work?


Free Consultation
In this consultation, we’ll chat about whether an EMDR Intensive could be a good fit for you. We'll cover how the process works, set some expectations, answer your questions, and see if our approach aligns with your needs.

Pre-Intensive Interview & Resourcing Session
In this 2-hour session, we'll set the goals for your Therapy Intensive and get you ready for the experience. We’ll pinpoint the painful memories, beliefs, emotions, or images you want to work on.

Customized Client Workbook
You’ll get a personalized workbook filled with assessments and activities to help you prepare for the Intensive. It’s a great way to track your progress before, during, and after your sessions.

Intensive Sessions
These EMDR Intensive sessions are held at the office in Pasadena or online, spread over 1-3 days with 3-hour sessions each day. The treatment is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Post-Intensive Interview
After the Intensive, we’ll have a 60-minute session to reflect on your experience and discuss your insights, relief, and transformation. We’ll also talk about your next steps for ongoing growth and healing. If needed, ongoing intensive therapy is available to support multiple treatment goals.

What are the benefits EMDR Intensives?


Make significant progress in a shorter timeframe, speeding up your healing journey.


Knock out your therapy sessions in a few days instead of spreading them over months.


Save money with a 1-3 day intensive instead of cumulative cost of monthly sessions.


Enjoy dedicated, uninterrupted time with a therapist for a deeper healing experience.

Woman reflecting quietly against a wall.

How EMDR Intensives can help create lasting change:


✤ Transform deep-rooted problem patterns and behaviors.
✤ Heal painful childhood experiences.
✤ Achieve lasting change in your life and relationships.
✤ Show up authentically in relationships without guilt.
✤ Silence your inner critic and build self-confidence.
✤ View yourself and others with more compassion.
✤ Gain insight into how your past affects your present.

Options & Investment

If a full intensive isn’t quite right for you, I also offer extended 90-minute EMDR sessions available online — see more here.

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Starting at $1920

・8-hour program
・6 face-to-face hours
・Resources and assessments
・Personalized treatment workbook
・Wellness kit
・Weekday & weekend availability

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Starting at $2,640

・11-hour program
・9 face-to-face hours
・Resources and assessments
・Personalized treatment workbook
・Wellness kit
・Weekday & weekend availability

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Starting at $3,360

・14-hour program
・12 face-to-face hours
・Resources and assessments
・Personalized treatment workbook
・Wellness kit
・Weekday & weekend availability 

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You don’t have to wait to feel better.

Let’s work together to ease the pain, reduce the sting, and diminish the impact of past hurtful experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Therapy Intensives are perfect for people that are ready for relief now. If you’re ready to see things change in your life and your relationships but you don’t want to wait for that to happen next year - an EMDR Therapy Intensive may be right for you. If you have a specific topic, trauma, or stressor that you want support with - this can be the focus of your Therapy Intensive. The dedicated time will be customized specifically to you and your goals.

  • Every person is different. During the initial consultation, we can talk about your specific situation and goals.  Sometimes, one intensive session will be enough.  More often, people benefit from multiple sessions.  We are complex human beings and many things contribute to the cycles we get stuck in.  I can help you determine what intensive option is best for you.

  • Yes, when availability allows. Fees for weekend sessions:

    ▸ 1 Day Intensive: $2,880
    ▸ 2 Day Intensive: $3960
    ▸ 3 Day Intensive: $5040

  • EMDR Intensives are not a service covered by insurance companies. In some cases, you can submit a Superbill (or receipt) to your insurance company for potential reimbursement for a portion of the cost of the EMDR intensive.

  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking your intensive and the remaining 50% is due on the first day of your intensive session.

  • There is a 2 week cancellation policy: Any cancellation within 2 weeks of the Pre-Intensive Interview will result in full charge of the intensive program.

  • Absolutely! EMDR Intensives work very well as an adjunct therapy. I would ask that you sign a Release of Information so that your current therapist and I can collaborate/coordinate to best serve you.

  • Research on EMDR intensives is positive:

    ▸ Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better, results, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely. Learn more here and here.

    ▸ Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame. Learn more here.

    ▸ An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.

    ▸ The economy is compelling: even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session. Learn more here.